Possible Final Fantasy Goal

FF1 logo ORIGIN--article_image

I’ve been thinking about one of my favorite franchises, Final Fantasy. Like a lot of people, Final Fantasy VII is my favorite, although the Final Fantasy games are all different from one another, and I haven’t played all of them. As a matter of fact, I’m not sure if I like the Final Fantasy franchise as much as I think I do, or if I’m just expecting another game to create a similar experience to the one I had with FF7.

IF I decided to take on the goal of beating the Final Fantasy series it would be the central Final Fantasy games, not including sequels, spin-offs, or MMOs.

That means: FF1-10, FF12 & FF13. For those who might not know, Final Fantasy 11 and 14 are both MMOs.

I’ve already taken care of three of these games: FF4, FF7, FF10.

I’ve played 5 of them: FF1, FF8, FF9, FF12, FF13

I’ve never played: FF2, FF3 FF5, FF6

Okay, so why would I want to do this? Going beyond my basic desire to play video games, I’ve heard so many different opinions about this series that it bothers me that I haven’t finished more of them. I already have some of these games in my backlog, and others are in my wish list. After doing a little research, I’ve realized it might be easier for me to acquire these games than I had thought.

Here’s how I’m going to do it, IF I do it (and how you might decide to do it too, if this is something you’re interested in): Final Fantasy Origins (Playstation 1) contains FF1 and 2. I have FF3 and 4 on DS. Final Fantasy Anthology (PS1) contains FF5 and 6. From there, it gets pretty easy. FF7, 8, and 9 are all available on PS1 disks that I can use on my PS2. FF10 and 12 are available as PS2 games.

I’ve already beat Final Fantasy 4 and 10, but I’m choosing to play Final Fantasy 7 again, because it’s my favorite. The only Final Fantasy game that I’ve played that I’m not excited to play again would be Final Fantasy 12. It seems like I had a really hard time getting into that one when I tried playing it before, but I’m willing to give it another shot. I guess I should mention that, out of the 5 Final Fantasy games I’ve played without beating, I’ve only played FF8 and FF13 past the halfway point.

I’ve started looking at some of the prices for the games I’ll need to buy, and I was surprised to see that most of them are affordable. I think the most expensive one (that I need) is Final Fantasy 8. Amazon recommended a lot of other interesting games while I was browsing (some I’m vaguely familiar with, and some I’m not), that I might start looking into to see if I want to add them to my wish list; games like Chrono Cross & Trigger, Star Ocean, Wild Arms, and the Legend of Dragoon.

If any of you have opinions about any of these games, let me know. I want to know which games you think I should buy, and which ones I should play first. I’ll be looking forward to comments. Also, let me know if you even think this is worth doing, because I committed to this idea 100% yet.

If I do, I think the stipulation would be, NO Final Fantasy XV until I’m completely done with the Final Fantasy games in the goal’s list. That might not seem like a big deal yet, especially since I would have to beat my Gaming Backlog Goal before I’ll be getting a console that would actually play FFXV, but doing something like this is going to take a while. Final Fantasy XV will most likely be “yesterday’s news” by the time I get around to playing it, and I’ll be anxious to get my hands on it!


  1. crazysnake513 · March 27, 2015

    I think its a great idea, that is if you willing to actually do it. These games to commitment to finish, as they can take some time to get through. As far as which ones to get or to play through first is also up to you lol. I’ve enjoyed everyone I’ve played, except for 12, uggh that one was a drag for me.

    I’ve shared plenty of times how I love FFX, but I also love 8 and 9 a lot too. 6 is a great one too a lot of people, and each has been able to steal a heart from someone lol. You’ve already beat 7, but plan to play it again, so at least you don’t have to get it out of the way. 7 could possibly be saved last, since you love it, I always save best for last.

    If you do go through with it, I wish you luck. And may your journeys be a good for you as they were for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gaming Backlog · March 31, 2015

      Yes, the commitment to the games is what has made me put this kind of thing off the past, but I can’t help thinking that I could have already played every one of the main games a long time ago if I had started when I first wanted to. No time like the present, but there’s still a huge dedication of time involved, as well as money.

      Liked by 1 person

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