The Gaming Backlog Returns!

Wow, it’s been a long time since I said I was gonna take a break. I’ll go ahead and give you the details upfront:



Career Change.

But I’m back, and so is the Gaming Backlog! Coincidentally, this is my 100th post, so we’re primed for a special comeback! For my old friends who are still following this blog for some reason, what the hell are you doing? Didn’t you notice I’ve been gone for over six years? Also, thanks for sticking around. I promise to start providing CONSISTENT content for people who enjoy reading about gaming while sipping on their morning coffee. I’m not trying to sell you a course or post generic takes about the top 10 highest ranking SEO-optimized videogame results! I’m here to post my honest thoughts about games that interest me while (hopefully) building my family of devoted followers (don’t drink that kool aid! Not yet!).

We’re here to have fun, discuss gaming topics, and make up Grand Theft Auto 6 rumors (oh yes, we will!)

I’m not an egomaniac, so I won’t bore you with the usual “what I’ve been doing” commentary. We’ll get right back into the gaming topics like it’s 2015 and we never took the path down the bad timeline. Covid? What’s Covid? No way, man, that’s not in my gaming backlog!

However, there is a burning question on maybe 1 or 2 people’s minds right now! Did I finish 50 games before buying a new console? Did I complete my self-imposed Gaming Backlog challenge?


It was just way too many games!

So which new console(s) did I end up getting? I’m the happy owner of a PS4 and Nintendo Switch, now!

So, here I am, readers, smiling happily as a modern gamer, and I ehh….. PS5? Xbox Series X? Why no, I don’t don’t have either of those… Dear readers, I guess some things never change. I am proud to return to you again today one console generation behind as usual. Love ya!

Stay tuned! Follow this blog! I will be posting consistent daily content! Send messages, and tell me what kind of content you’d like to see. Tell me about your own gaming experiences! I’m looking forward to hearing from my gaming family again! Also, you might have noticed a slight re-branding of this site. Don’t worry! Information Overload is the name of the umbrella website that will host several different categories of blog content, but the gaming content can easily be found by clicking “Gaming” in the menu!

I’m setting my first blog milestone: Let’s see if we can get this thing to 5,000 views per month! Help me come up with a prize for reaching that milestone! For the love of classic gaming and content that doesn’t include micro-transactions (yet), like my content and share it if you enjoy reading my work! It really does make a difference!

Follow me on Twitter @JDtheWriter1 (that’s right, I have social media now!)

I’ll see you soon!

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