Grand Theft Auto V, Character Analysis: Trevor


My third and final character analysis for Grand Theft Auto V belongs to Trevor. There could be serious psychological consequences for anyone who tries to explain Trevor’s thought processes, but I’m willing to give it a shot. I think it’s safe to say that Trevor represents the player’s need to cause chaos. The Grand Theft Auto series is best known for the mayhem the main characters inflict. With every new installment, people are ready to point out how out of control the video game industry has become.

*A game that glorifies theft, violence against police, and mass violence.

*It depicts a sex scene when using the “hot coffee” mod.

*The new first-person view in GTA V shows acts of prostitution, up close and personal.

Grand Theft Auto found its success by giving players the opportunity to create havoc in real-world settings. None of the non-playable characters are safe; not women; not grandpa; and especially not cops. You can steal a car, run over every pedestrian on the way to the police department, and partake in mass murder for no other reason that your own, sadistic gratification. Just make sure to hide until the blinking stars go away, and all is well.

Trevor is the GTA V character that harnesses that basic, animalistic urge to lose control. Like Michael, Trevor primary motivation IS NOT money. Both characters recognize a part of themselves that wants back in “the game,” but their desires seem to be based on completely different reasons. Michael sees “the game” as a challenge. Trevor sees “the game” as an outlet to cause chaos.

My favorite part about Trevor’s character, and there are many, is his loyalty. Any good traits that Trevor displays stand in stark contrast against all the other crazy shit he does, making them shine brighter than they would have otherwise. Trevor kills because of headaches, so it’s nice to know he has a group of friends who he respects and responds to in less-than-lethal ways, even when being criticized by them. If Michael had been any other man, and not one of Trevor’s long-time friends, Trevor would have killed him several times over throughout the course of the game. Trevor’s loyalty to Michael is what saves Michael from Trevor. However, it was Trevor’s loyalty to their mutual friend that almost caused him to kill Michael when Trevor found out that Michael had used the man’s dead body to fake his own death.

One of my favorite scenes in the game involves Trevor displaying his loyalty to Franklin when he helps him and Lamar during their drug deal on Grave Street. As I mentioned in my first character analysis about Franklin, Franklin learns to trust Trevor, someone who he thought was completely insane. That mission was a highlight for me, and the relationship between Trevor and Franklin, as well as Lamar, is the reason why. It resulted in character development for all characters involved, and it didn’t even require a lot of talking.

To wrap up my character analyses of the three main characters from Grand Theft Auto V, I want to reiterate that each one of them plays an important role in the player’s experience.

Franklin depicts the player’s desire to progress.

Michael depicts the player’s desire for continued challenge.

Trevor represents the player’s desire to cause chaos.

See something I missed, or have something to add to the analysis of a specific Grand Theft Auto V character? Maybe you want to share your favorite moments or character traits, or tell me why you disagree with me. Leave a comment below, and remember to visit my blog again, tomorrow, for the Top 10 Things I Love About GTA V!


  1. petermself · September 7, 2015

    I like the fact that you took time to analyse the GTA5 characters, it just adds some more perspective to the game, and shows some more of its value. Great little read.

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