Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 29, FINAL CHAPTER

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


I was thirsty after all the work I’d done. I stepped over a piece of flayed human flesh and opened Conner’s refrigerator. The options were limited to cheap beer and bottles of water. I grabbed some water and chugged the entire bottle.

When I was finished, I crumpled the bottle and tossed it to the ground.

It was almost impossible to identify the wet blob sitting on the chair. I wondered at what point it would have stop being a corpse, and when the professionals would just start calling it “biological waste.”

It was definitely a waste. Wherever the line had been, Conner Flag and I had crossed it hours ago.

I looked out the window. The sun was coming up.

“Well, Conner,” I said to the mushy pile of bones in the chair, “time has flown. I had a great time, but I know that your morning delivery will be here soon, and I don’t think your crew will like what they find. I need to be gone before they get here.”

Flag didn’t respond.

“I’m taking another bottle of water.” I opened the fridge and grabbed one. “I hope you don’t mind.”


I wanted to laugh, but I felt angry all over again.

“If I pissed all over you, would it make a difference? Would I be going too far? Is that even possible anymore?”

I stared at the gory mess for another minute and then walked to the door. I leaned against the wall and gritted my teeth.

“You know, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I missed the opportunity.”

I walked over to the chair, unzipped my fly, and pissed on Conner Flag’s remains. When my bladder was empty, I zipped back up and headed for the door.

“Fuck you, Conner,” I said.

I left the room and hurried outside to use my phone.

“Yeah, this is Bryan Dawson… That’s right, from Trials of Redemption. Listen, I just committed several murders… Near the old warehouse, located in Double-M gang territory, but I’m moving southbound… Yes, I’m armed for my own protection. Just send a car to pick me up. I’ll come peacefully. I’ve already accomplished what I came here to do.”

I ended the call and kept walking. The quietness of the street mixed oddly with the adrenaline that was still buzzing through my system. It caused me to shuffle through my thoughts, searching for any loose ends that I might have missed. I couldn’t think of anything, except maybe hearing what Rick had wanted to tell me. It was too late for him to talk me out of my plan, so what harm would a single phone call do?

I dialed his number. “Rick, it’s me.”

“Bryan, thank God you finally called me,” he said. “You’re a fucking dick for ignoring me and you’re going to be sorry that you did. What the fuck was so important that you couldn’t spare a few minuted to talk to me?”

I smiled. “I had some unfinished business to take care of and I didn’t want you to talk me out of it.”

“You need someone to talk you out of the shit you’ve been getting yourself into.”

“I know, but that’s not what I wanted.”

“At least it’s over.”

“Not quite.”

“I hope you’re not thinking about going after Flag. Jesus Christ, Bryan, there are more important things that you need to know about.”

“Conner Flag is dead,” I said. “Not just dead…” Fucked. “…The cops will need DNA samples to identify him.”

Goddamn it, Bryan,” Rick groaned, “what the fuck did you do?”

“I’ve already called the police. There’s no point in running. What I did was too messy to get away with. Going back to prison will be a small price to pay for what I did. I finally have closure.”

Rick was silent.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I found your daughter,” Rick said. “The Maniacal Misfits didn’t kill her. They sold her on the black market, to a married couple.”

A cold numbness ran through my body, causing me to fall to my knees. “What did you say?”

“The family that adopted her recognized her from your Trials biography. They want to reunite the two of you. Fuck, Bryan, you could have had her back!”

Sirens were approaching from somewhere in the distance.

“Is she okay?” I asked. “What did the Double-M’s do to her?”

“She’s fine,” Rick said. “The family was well-off but weren’t able to have kids of their own. They took real good care of her, Bryan. She’s a beautiful little four-year-old girl. You should have called me before you ran off on another revenge quest.” He sighed. “Fuck!”

I dropped the phone and stared at the sprawling urban landscape around me. The sirens grew closer until they were right on top of me.

“On your stomach,” the officer said.

I lay down on the cold pavement and put my hands behind my back.

Another cruiser pulled up and more cops got out. They picked me up and shoved me into the backseat.

“I want to apply to Trials of Redemption,” I said.

“You and every other criminal,” the cop said as he slammed his door shut.

His partner turned to look at me. “Holy shit,” he said, “It’s the guy from Trials.”

“I have to get my daughter back,” I said. “I have to redeem myself again. I have to go through Trials again.”

A fuzzy static came over the radio, and then a voice saying, “You’re not going to believe what this guy did. We’ve got a real mess on our hands.”

“Copy that,” the officer said.

“Hey, ask the perp to identify the upstairs victim. Is this Conner Flag?”

“It used to be,” I grinned.

The officer cleared his throat. “That’s affirmative.”

I laughed. “My daughter is alive! I have to sign up for Trials of Redemption!”

“But you just survived Trials.”

I stared at the two officers and started to laugh uncontrollably. “I know, and now I have to go back and do it all over again! If they let me! Oh God, please say they’ll let me!”

Nothing could calm my scattered emotions as the cops drove me away. The warehouse where Conner Flag used to live faded into the distance, but my memories of what happened there would stay with me for the rest of my life, however long that might be.



[I hope you enjoyed this violent horror novel. I think it’s a fun read, even though it’s rough in more ways than one. If you’d like to offer suggestions, please find me on Twitter @JDtheWriter1. You can support me by liking and sharing my work. THANK YOU to everyone who follows me and supports me!]

Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 28

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


It took a little over a month before I was finally able to implement my plan of revenge. I’d talked to all the right people, and made promises that I may or may not be able to keep. I knew where Conner Flag was staying, and I knew how many bodyguards he liked to keep. I knew their names, what they looked like, their personalities, their drugs and guns of choice, and their entire criminal history.

I was ready.

There were a few cops that I’d avoided talking to while I was busy researching Conner and his entourage. Cops like Rick were too clean to take part in what I had planned, and would only try talking me out of it. He’d called back to the hospital on several occasions, but I’d refused to talk to him every time. There were some things that he didn’t need to know, and my  thirst for revenge fell into that category. 

The Trials of Redemption crew had offered me free housing if I was willing to play nice during their interviews. I accepted, partly because I needed a place to live while I fine-tuned my plans, but mostly to prevent people from becoming suspicious.

“I’m doing much better now, thanks,” I had said. I smiled, proudly displaying the gaping hole where my two front teeth used to be. There were a couple more gaps further back, from the first fight I’d had with Martin – I was lucky not to have a speech impediment from losing so many teeth, like Jack after Charles had knocked his teeth out. “When Harrison first came into my room I was still in a lot of pain, and I said several things that I shouldn’t have said. First, I’d like to apologize to all of the people who supported my efforts during the historic Trials event. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I’m very happy to have been given an opportunity to earn my redemption, and I’m greatly satisfied with the government’s decision to continue utilizing the Redemption Act for the greater good of society.”

That had been a few days ago, recorded from the beautiful and well-furnished house Trials had provided, but now I was sitting on a dirty sidewalk in dangerous Double-M gang territory. I wobbled back and forth against the grimy brick wall, and pulled the hood over my eyes as the two gang members known as “Bull” and “Skinny Jim” turned the corner.

They were the first of Conner Flag’s men that I would kill. They were on their way out, running a short errand to get some more black-market goodies from the “abandoned” factory down the street. With a little bit of interference on my part they’d never make it to their truck.

Just as they started to walk by, eyeing me suspiciously, I tipped over my forty ounce bottle of malt liquor, letting it splash onto their shoes.

Just another drunk, hanging out in the bad part of the city.

“Watch what you’re doing, fuck-face,” Bull said.

“Oops,” I said, grabbing the bottle.

“Move the fuck on down the road,” Skinny Jim” said. “Don’t you know that this is Double-M territory? It’s dangerous. You stick around here long enough and you’ll get hurt.”

“Thanks for the warning,” I said.

I smashed the bottle of booze against the side of the brick wall, creating two halves. There was a jagged bottom half, and there was a jagged bottleneck. I spun around in a circle, grabbing the bottom half and cramming it into Skinny Jim’s face, making sure to puncture each of his eyeballs.

“My fucking eyes!” he yelled.

Bull reached for his gun, but wasn’t able to grab it in time to prevent me from cramming the bottleneck into his throat. It turned into a funnel for his blood, and the red liquid poured onto the garbage-covered sidewalk.

I pulled Bull’s gun from its holster and slipped it into the front waistband of my jeans.

 “You’ll fucking pay for this shit,” Skinny Jim said. “I know who you are! You’re that goddamn cop from that fucking TV show, aren’t you? Came to take revenge!”

“If you know who I am then you already know you’re going to die.”

I pushed Skinny Jim against the wall, stomach-first, and slowly pushed his face against the bricks, forcing the glass shards deeper into his head.

He screamed. Of course he did, and I loved how his shrill voice faded into the night and everything became quiet again.

I searched the pockets of both men, finding the keys to the truck and a second handgun on Skinny Jim. The handgun was the same as the first; powerful and easy to conceal. I slid it into the waistband of my jeans with the other one and walked down the street until I got to the truck. It was old, but it started on the first try. I drove it to the warehouse where Flag was living.

I put the truck into neutral and allowed it to roll the last two hundred feet down the gentle slope of the road. As it collided with the front of the building I shoved my hands into my pockets and stared at the scene with wide eyes.

Three men came running out through the front doors, looking around in every direction and spotting me. I’d planned on being seen and was still wearing the dark hood to conceal my identity.

“What the fuck happened?” asked Riley Smith, another one of Flag’s personal bodyguards. His brother, Raven, and another man that went by the alias “Stonewall” was with him.

“They was the men up there,” I shouted, using the best slurred speech I could manage. “Some badass motherfucker cut they shit up and left them. Robbed they asses.”

Riley squinted his eyes at me. He was probably the smartest member of Flag’s guard, so if I could get past him I was confident that I’d be able to reach Conner. “How far back?” he asked.

“Oh, juss bout a couple hundred feet. Juss happened. Robbed those motherfuckers.”

“Raven,” Riley said to his brother, “you and Stonewall see if you can find the people who robbed the truck. If you do, kill them.”

“What about you?” Raven asked.

“I’m not sure I trust this asshole. I’m going to ask him a few more questions.”

“Who, me?” I asked.

“Hurry!” Riley shouted, causing Raven and Stonewall to take off at a full sprint in the direction I had pointed.

Riley walked closer to me, keeping his hands by his sides at all times. When he got close enough to see the details of my face I removed my hood, smiled, and flicked my tongue through the opening in my teeth.

“Expecting me?” I asked.

We both pulled our weapons at the same time, but I fired first and hit his shoulder, causing his gun to fly from his hands. I turned, aimed carefully at the two men who had stopped to draw their weapons, and pulled off two head-shots before they could pull their triggers.

I walked over to Riley, who was holding his hand over the gunshot wound in his shoulder.

“Your brother’s head just exploded,” I said. I picked him up so he could see that I was telling the truth.

“Fuck you!” he groaned.

I slid the gun back into my waistband, and pulled out my knife instead. It was the same one I’d used to kill Martin with during Trials. I poked the small blade into the center of Riley’s forehead and slowly pushed it through his skull.

Blood gushed all over my hands as Riley screamed and cursed, and bit off the tip of his own tongue as he writhed in pain. I pulled the blade out of his forehead, wiped the blood on my jeans, and put it pack into my pocket. I would need it again, soon.

Two more bodyguards, I thought. Both of them standing next to Conner Flag, vowing to protect him with their own lives.

I marched in through the entrance to the warehouse and walked up the stairs near the wall. I crossed the noisy steel catwalk to the other side, and walked down a short hallway to Conner Flag’s personal room.

I stood to the side, with my back against the wall, and pushed the door open. I peeked around the corner and saw Conner standing between the last two bodyguards, Mike Slick and Dorian Reed.

Conner was smiling nervously, stroking his thin red beard.

“Put your guns down, boys,” I said, darting back into cover behind the wall.

“How are your burns, Bryan?” Flag asked.

“Your son tricked me, Conner. I should have listened to the boss.”

“Yes, you should have. If you had, my son would probably be dead by now, but you were foolish and chose to electrocute yourself instead.”

“I remember. I was there.” I leaned my head against the wall. “Are your guns down, yet?”

“The guns are pointed at the door,” Flag said. “One of these guns will be the weapon that kills you.”

“Just lower them and we’ll talk for a while. Face to face, instead of with a wall between us.”

“Lower them,” Flag said after a moment.

I peeked around the corner and confirmed that the men had lowered their weapons. I showed them my hands. I was still holding my gun, but it was pointed away from them, toward the ceiling.

“You’ll never leave this room alive,” Flag said. “It’s three against one.”

“It used to be eight against one,” I reminded him, “until I killed five of your other bodyguards.”

His smirk disappeared. “What did you hope to accomplish by coming here? You’re never going to get your family back. Why not just accept reality and move on with your life? Whatever you’ve done to the rest of my men,” he waved his hands like someone smoothing a blanket, “we’ll just forget about it. You have a brand new life. You should turn around and go home.”

“I thought you said I’d never leave this room.”

“Maybe I’ve changed my mind, as long as you make the smart decision here.”

I nodded and looked at the floor. “I don’t like the life you’ve forced me into. I wanted to keep the old one, where I had a family to go home to.”

“You want women? I can get you women.”

“I want my FUCKING WIFE!” I slammed the butt of the gun against the side of the wall, causing a cheap-looking painting a few inches away to fall and shatter.

Flag gulped. “You should go,” he nodded, “before we have to kill you.”

The corner of my lips curled up as I walked closer to Conner Flag and his guards. “If I’ve learned something from this experience, it’s that everyone wants redemption. Some people want it for things they’ve done in the past, and others – like me – need it because they weren’t able to help the people they cared about when they needed to the most.”

“You’ve earned your redemption,” Conner said. His hands were shaking.

“I survived Trials of Redemption to earn my way out of prison, but I won’t be redeemed until I’ve served justice to the man who gave the order to kill my family. That’s you, Conner.”

“Kill him,” Conner whispered to his bodyguards.

I shook my head. “Everyone is looking for redemption, and that includes Mike and Dorian. They could be sent to prison for several life sentences, but I can make all of that go away. Isn’t that right, guys?”

“You better make good on your deal,” Dorian said.

“I will. Did you bring the rope I asked you to bring?”

Dorian nodded. “It’s over by the fridge.”

“What the fuck is going on?” Flag asked. He was trembling.

“Tie him up, and get as far away from here as possible,” I said.

Mike and Dorian holstered their weapons, and shoved Conner into a chair.

“What the fuck?!” Flag shouted.

Conner Flag’s former bodyguards avoided making eye contact with him as they tied him to the chair. They secured his legs to the legs of the chair, bound his wrists, and connected the rope with a thick knot at the back of the chair. Then they walked out the room.

I listened to their footfalls on the catwalk, waiting for them to fade. I shut the door and pulled out my little pocketknife. I smiled at Flag and opened the blade. “I’m going to skin you alive, you son of a bitch.”

“You can’t do this,” he said. “You’ll go right back to prison for this shit, you sick fuck! After all the shit you went through to get out, you’ll go right back in!”

“I know,” I said. “I’ll make sure this is worth it.”

“My son will fucking kill you!”

“Even if he does, it won’t stop the terrible things that I’m about to do to you over the next several hours.”

Flag couldn’t stop shaking, and I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted him to be overflowing with fear as I sliced his body and pulled him apart, layer by layer.

As I looked down at my own hands I realized that I was shaking as well. Unlike Conner, I wasn’t shaking out of fear; I was euphoric.


Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 27

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


After the speedy ambulance ride there was a lot of rushing around by doctors and nurses, frantically running from room to room, running next to my gurney, performing various jobs like providing oxygen and reminding me that I was going to make it.

You’ll be fine, Mr. Dawson. Don’t give up.”

Who the fuck is giving up? I wondered. I’m the man who survived Hell. I didn’t go through all that shit just to give up now that I’m a free man.

By late evening all the running around had stopped. I found myself in a quiet little hospital room with a TV mounted near the ceiling.

It had been left on an all-news network. Due to copyright laws they were only showing short clips of the Trials program, but they made up for the unseen footage by talking about the events and going into more detail about the two winners.

They focused on my short career as a police officer, working undercover to uproot a notorious street gang’s ties to the production of the synthetic drugs known as “hedonism,” or “heed,” as it’s known “on the streets.” The reporters talked about the Double-M involvement in a vast network of black-market commerce, which included weapons sales and human trafficking.

Victoria Garcia was mostly unknown before Trials of Redemption, but the network had published her police records in an effort to paint her as the “bad guy” of the show.

In a way, I was happy to see her get negative press because of what she’d done to me. However, it was sickening to see her highlighted as the enemy just because of her betrayal at the very end. What about the boss? Or the soldiers? Or the firefighters who’d been paid to help drown some of us? What about the US government, who’d signed the Redemption Act into law in the first place?

That’s not what the world wanted to hear, though. They wanted to talk about all the blood and gore, and how “that bitch with the knife almost killed that cop.”

With the sounds of medical machinery beeping and humming around me, a mundane and predictable white noise that reminded me that I was in a safe environment, I fell asleep.

I woke up late the following evening to the sound of the phone ringing. I removed my oxygen mask and picked up the phone.


“Rick Douglas is here to see you,” the receptionist said. “I know you said that you didn’t want to be bothered, but Mr. Douglas says he used to be your partner on the police force. I thought you might like to see him. Should I send him up?”

I closed my eyes and considered letting my old partner in for a short visit. I could use the company, but I didn’t want his disappointment with my poor decision-making to cloud my judgment about what I had to do to Conner Flag.

“Tell him I’ll call him in another week or so,” I said, “after I’ve started feeling better.”

I would call him right after I killed Conner Flag. Killing Flag would make me feel a lot better.

“Anything else?” she asked.

“Tell Rick that I’m sorry I didn’t tell him I signed up for Trials. Tell him that I knew he’d try to stop me.” I paused, and added, “Tell him he’s been a good friend to me, but I’m not capable of being a good friend right now.”

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll let him know.”

I hung up the phone.

Less than a minute later, it rang again.

“What is it now?” I asked. “Aren’t Trials survivors allowed to have a break? Do you have any fucking idea what I’ve been through?”

“I’m so sorry sir, but the man who just called wanted me to give you a very important message, and he said that you’d want to hear it.”

Probably about how stupid I’d been. I didn’t need to hear that, especially when I was planning for even more stupidity.

“I’ll talk to Rick later,” I said. “Tell him there’s only one thing I’m worried about right now, and that’s getting healed up. After that, I promise to call him. Tell him.”

“Okay, sir. Sorry to keep bothering you.”

“It’s fine, but please don’t call again. I don’t want to see or talk to anyone, even old friends. I just want to be left alone right now.”

“I understand.”

“Actually,” I said, “there is one thing I need. Food.”

“I’ll have to check with the doctor, but it should be okay. Your stomach wound wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been. That girl only missed your liver by half an inch, though.”

“Vegetarian meal, please.” I hung up the phone.

A short while later, there was a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” I asked. I didn’t think the hospital would have brought my food so soon after the request, but it was possible. I was a national hero after all. There was also the possibility that Rick had made his way up to my room. If he had, I thought I might as well hear what he had to say to me. If my ultimate goal in avoiding him was to maintain focus, then his continuous interruptions would be just as problematic as his inevitable lecture.

“Harrison Neeley,” the man on the other side of the door said. “I’m a reporter from Trials.”

“Go away,” I said. “This is too soon for an interview.”

Harrison opened the door anyway, and poked his head inside. “You signed the legal agreement. Unless you want to go back to prison after everything you’ve been through, you’ll let us in.”

I shook my head. “You assholes are relentless.”

“That’s what they pay us for,” Harrison agreed.

“How many people are out there?”

“Just me and the cameraman. We won’t take up much of your time.”

“Fine,” I said, waving them in. “Not like I have much of a choice.”

The reporter grabbed one of the flimsy hospital chairs and moved it next to my bedside. The cameraman tried to find a good angle to film us, near the end of the bed.

“This is Harrison Neeley, reporting for Trials News,” Harrison said to the camera. “We’ve already spoken briefly with the first-ever Trials survivor, Victoria Garcia, and now we’re here with the second survivor, and fan favorite, Bryan Dawson.” He looked over to me and put a microphone near my face. “How are you holding up, Bryan?”

“Why does it matter?” I asked, and grunted as I shifted my weight. “The show is over. You guys didn’t get to see me die and I’m going to recover from my injuries, so you’re shit out of luck.”

“Hundreds of millions of people were rooting for you Bryan,” Harrison said, sympathetically.

“To live or die?” I asked.

“To live, of course.”

“There is no ‘of course.’ Those people weren’t doing me any favors by watching me suffer. If they really want to help me out they can all go fuck themselves.”

Harrison cleared his throat. “You don’t really believe that, do you?” He laughed, nervously.

“Why not? Am I supposed to be nice to them now, just so they’ll keep buying Trials coffee mugs with my bloody face on them? Me being nice was never a part of my deal with Trials, so yes, all of those people can go fuck themselves. You can go fuck yourself, too.”

“Hmm,” Harrison said. “Okay, let’s change the topic. Out of all the challenges, which one would you say was the most difficult?”

“The most difficult part was knowing that all of those millions of people were at home with their pants around their ankles, jerking off while one man ate another man’s roasted face.”

“This has been Harrison Neeley for Trials News. We’ll be back with detailed biographies for each of the Trials participants, and interviews with their surviving relatives.”

Harrison smiled until the cameraman sat the camera on the floor, and then his smile faded. “What the hell are you doing, Bryan?”

“I told you I don’t feel like talking right now. I’m legally obligated to let you put a camera in front of my face and a microphone up my nose, but if you think that I’m just going to grin and tell everybody that Trials was a wonderful experience then you’re out of you fucking mind.”

“Are you forgetting what Trials is all about?” Harrison asked.

“It’s about making money.”

“That’s a big part of it, yes,” Harrison nodded in agreement, “but the overarching theme is redemption. By going through Trials you admitted your need for redemption. You’re telling the world that you want to be forgiven, and that you’ll go through all the gore and violence if that’s what it takes to earn that forgiveness. It was never suppose to be easy.”

“What does any of that have to do with me being polite to the people who wanted to watch me suffer?”

“Everything.” Harrison scooted his chair closer to me. “What good is redemption if you come out of Trials worse off than before you started?”

I sneered. “You guys were the ones who came up with the name. Redemption is your theme, not mine. I only used the show as a way to get out of prison.”

“Of course, you did. None of the participants were trying to become angels, but you have to play politics now that you’re out.”

“What kind of politics?”

“The kind of politics that get you paid. The merchandising rights belong to Trials Network, but your life still belongs to you. Create a strong, positive brand for yourself and you could be looking at book deals, movie roles,” Harrison shrugged, “maybe even a reality show that doesn’t involve cannibalism. Your life has been redeemed, and now you’re in the spotlight. Use that to your advantage.”

Harrison stood, and clasped my shoulder where one of the worst of my electrical burns was, but I didn’t even flinch. Pain had lost much of its effect on me. “Just think about it,” he said. “We’re not trying to be assholes. That part of the show is over, and now it’s time to move forward. When the show was going on, Trials made money from your potential death, but now they’re going to profit from your life. You’re marketable now, and that’s good for everyone, including you.”

I let Harrison and the cameraman walk out of the room without responding to Harrison’s comments. I didn’t want to be a slave to Trials or their planned marketing strategies. They were proposing a symbiotic relationship, but I knew it would become more parasitic as time went on.

It wasn’t like a role in the next big blockbuster would help me anyway. I was going back to prison soon, unless one of the Maniacal Misfit gang members killed me on my way to Conner Flag.

Before any of that could take place, I needed to heal. All I wanted while I waited was time alone, and time to plan. 

I needed to talk to some of my contacts inside the police force. I wanted to know the whereabouts of Flag and his cronies, and I wanted to memorize all the information I could and come up with a strategy.

That’s how I chose to spend my time.


Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 26

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


Fucked again.

That had been normal for the last two days.

I didn’t know how long I’d been unconscious, but it hadn’t been long enough for me to die. It wouldn’t take much longer, though. I was already suffocating under water, and if the knife wound hadn’t magically healed – doubtful – then I was bleeding to death, too.

The first thing I needed to do was get to the surface of the water. Swimming was much easier without the metal boots around my legs. When I made it to the surface, I swam to the ladder and stayed there while I caught my breath.

I peaked over the side of the pool to see if Victoria was still around. If she saw that I was still alive she would almost certainly come back to finish what she’d started.

Damn it, we were given a free pass. A free motherfucking pass!

I grunted and put pressure on the wound in my gut. “Fuck.” I pulled myself up and stared into the bright light that was shining through the doors. The people outside cheered.

For me?

I crawled toward the door, keeping a close watch for Victoria. Nobody was in the room with me. Everybody had left, probably assuming that I was dead and that Victoria was the only survivor.

Fuck all of you! I’m still alive!

There was a small trail of blood behind me. I briefly wondered where it was coming from, and then thought, oh yeah, right… me.

I heard the crowd chanting my name as I got closer to the exit.

“Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!”

“I’m on my way, assholes.” As I crossed the threshold to the outside world, paramedics grabbed me and put me on a stretcher.

“You’re going to be alright, Mr. Dawson,” one of them said. “You’re in good hands. Trials has hired the best paramedics money can buy.”

“Of course they have.”

“Lay still and try to relax.”


I sat up and looked around. The paramedics freaked out and pushed me back down.

“Where is she?” I asked.

“Who? The girl?”

“Yes, her. Where is she? She tried to kill me.”

“She’s gone. Just hold still.”

I relaxed and lay back down. I might as well. If Victoria had been there, she’d already have killed me.

That money-grubbing piece of shit.

Fuck her.


Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 25

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


Oh Jesus, what did I just do? Fuck, can’t take it back now! Fuck it, I have to get the fuck out of this place!

“I’m sorry Bryan,” I said. “I can’t make it without the money. I told you that.”

I pushed Bryan back into the pool, hoping that the people who were watching Trials would forgive me for being such a heartless bitch.

Yeah, right. People suck!

“I’m so sorry.”

The boss clapped his hands together. “Well done, Victoria. Fighting dirty isn’t honorable, but it’s extremely goddamn effective at times.”

“Fuck you!”

“All you have to do is walk out those doors, and you’ll be the first-ever Trials of Redemption survivor. I knew you could do it.” The boss stared into the pool. “It really is a shame, though. I was sure we’d have more survivors than this.”

“Yeah, you’re right, who would have thought guillotines and machetes could have caused people to actually die?” I shrugged, “Every fucking person on the planet, probably.”

“The door, Victoria.”

“Fuck off, bastard! I’ve had to be in here for two days of hell, so what’s a few more seconds going to hurt? You’re a miserable piece of shit, and I hope you die.”

“I know.”

“I hate you.”


I started to cry.

The boss pointed at the door. “I’m proud of you,” he said. “You can leave whenever you’re ready.”

I was still sobbing when I walked toward the door. The light was intense, but welcoming. I stepped through the doors, looked at several fire trucks that were parked in the grass, and was greeted by several unmasked soldiers. I flinched at first, thinking that my victory might be a cruel trick, but when one of the soldiers shook my hand, I shook back.

“Congratulations,” he said.

“Thank you,” I replied.

“The press would like a statement.”

I looked back at the building I’d just come out of. It looked like a regular high school, except for the large monitor that had been placed on the side for the outside audience. I’d never be able to see it as a school, though. To me, it would always be the arena where Trials of Redemption had taken place, and I would always hate it.

“It doesn’t have to be a long one,” the soldier said when I didn’t respond.


“The statement. People just want to know how you feel right now.”

The cameras were pointed at me. The people behind the cameras, the reporters holding the microphones, the crowd that had gathered, they all looked fake to me. What had happened to me, and everything that had happened to the other participants in that building, those things had been real. All this shit happening outside was an illusion.

I killed him, I thought.

“I killed him,” I said.

“What was that?” one of the reporters asked. “She said something. What did she say?”

I dropped to my knees, and punched the pavement. “I! FUCKING! KILLED! HIM!!!

“Jesus Christ, grab her before she breaks her hand.”

“I think it’s a little too late for that,” someone else said.

“Oh God, look at all the blood.”

“Shit, it’s like she’s still in there.”

Hands grabbed me, pulling me up and away from the sidewalk. I couldn’t imagine how anyone could drive up that road and let their kids onto that sidewalk, and let them walk into that building where all the carnage had taken place. That building was a place for ghosts, not for children.

I killed him… kill me.

“Look, the cop is still alive!” someone shouted. “Bryan’s not dead.”

The hands continued to pull me away, but as they tossed me into the back of an ambulance I looked to the large monitor on the side of the arena. Bryan had pulled himself back out of the pool and was crawling toward the door.

I laughed hysterically. Someone stuck a needle into my arm and injected me with something.

“I’m sorry, Bryan! I love you!” I fell asleep a few seconds later.


Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 24

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


Are you ready?” the boss repeated after we didn’t respond. “I’m not going to ask a third time.”

“Let’s get it over with,” I said.

“You don’t seem as sentimental about this little experiment in human behavior as I am.”

“This little experiment is different for us than it is for you,” Victoria said. “You’re in the same room as us, but you might as well be on a different planet. We’re living in two different worlds. You’re safe, and we’re…”



“You might be interested to know that the next challenge has a slightly different theme than all the others,” the boss said.

I pushed myself up, trying to stand on legs that wanted to give up.

“What do we have to do?” I asked.

The boss pointed behind us, and two of his soldiers pulled away the dark blanket that had been hanging from the wall, revealing a large door. They unlocked it, and pushed it open. The light from outside was blinding, but when my eyes finally adjusted to it I could make out news teams in the distance. They were being held back by a wall of military personnel, some of whom had possibly participated inside the building, as well as out. The news teams were pointing their cameras at the doors, zooming in and waiting for what would happen next.

Victoria stared out the doors. She looked up at me and held out her hand. “Help me up,” she said.

I did.

“The next challenge,” the boss said, “is completely…” he paused, smiling, “…voluntary.”

I almost cried. “We did it, Victoria. We’re done. We made it!”

“We’re getting out of here,” Victoria said.

“Before you make your decision, you must listen to the rules of the challenge,” the boss said.

“Fine, just make it quick,” I said. I looked over at Victoria. She giggled at me.

“When you first began,” the boss said, “the citizens were offered a chance to win a million dollars if they completed Trials of Redemption. The prisoners were only offered their freedom. Now that you’ve made it all the way to the end, Trials would like to offer a chance for any participant to win a million dollars.”

“No fucking way,” I said.

“All you have to do,” the boss continued, “is kill all the remaining participants, besides yourselves, of course.” He smirked. “It would have been one million dollars per participant killed, but we seem to have run low on people.”

“You’re out of your goddamned mind if you think we’re going to turn on each other this far into show, after everything we’ve–”

A knife in my stomach! Oh my god, there was a fucking knife in my stomach! It was the one Victoria had taken from Charles. I’d forgotten that she still had it, and now she’d used it to kill me!

“I’m sorry Bryan,” Victoria said. Her eyes were sincere. “I can’t make it without the money. I told you that.”

Victoria pushed me back into the pool.

That’s when I lost consciousness.


Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 23

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


There was the faint sound of water moving, and I wondered what it could be. From above, I saw a human silhouette sinking to the bottom of the pool.

It was Victoria. She’d jumped back in to save me. She pulled my arms until I was able to straighten my boots and stand on my own. She wrapped her arms around mine and pulled me to the ladder. She wrapped my hands around the bars and pointed upward.

You don’t have to tell me twice.

I climbed up the ladder, even more desperate for air than I had been before. When I pushed through the surface I paused to breathe. After a few quick gasps I felt Victoria’s hand slapping my leg.

I moved as fast as I could, which wasn’t very fast at all. Once the gravity of the dry world began pushing down on my exhausted body I realized that being submerged in the water had actually seemed to remove some of the weight from the heavy boots.

I fell to the ground and pulled myself out of Victoria’s way. My boots scraped the concrete as I turned my body to face the ladder. I reached out for Victoria and waited.

The fire department was still blasting water into the pool. Nick and Cynthia’s corpses were too far under the surface to see and I wondered if Victoria would be the next victim, leaving me as the sole survivor.

“Fuck, hurry up,” I said.

There was a shadow just below the water. I pulled myself closer to the edge and stuck my arms into the water. Victoria’s arms met mine and grasped tightly at my wrists.

I pulled.

Victoria’s head emerged from the water, and she breathed greedily. “Woo!” she yelped.

I laughed. “You made it!”

“Get me out of this fucking pool!”

I kept pulling her as she slammed her knees onto the concrete. I moved her away from the edge. She collapsed onto my lap, and I fell backward.

“Oh, shit,” I said, “I didn’t think you were going to make it.”

“Same to you,” she said. “You know that you’re missing your two front teeth?”

“What?” I stuck my fingers into my mouth. There was a gaping hole where my teeth used to be. “Fuck, I lost more teeth.”

“Don’t be so vain,” Victoria said. “You were already kind of ugly.”

“But… my fucking teeth.”

“Yeah,” Victoria laughed.

“Congratulations, you two,” the boss said, startling us both back into sitting positions. “No need to get up. You still have,” he glanced at the wall-mounted timer, “a little over fifteen minutes before the final challenge.” He shook his head. “I was anticipating a little more free time than that, but I think the sponsors will approve of the content.”

“I hope you don’t have any toothpaste commercials during this segment,” Victoria said. She looked at me and smirked.

“You’re an asshole,” I said.

“An asshole that just saved your life,” she reminded me.

“Good thing I decided to save yours first.”

“Enough,” the boss said. “You two are going to make me cry. You have fifteen minutes to relax before we have the final challenge. Good luck to both of you.” He looked at the small group of soldiers who always seemed to be nearby. “Unlock their boots.”

One of the soldiers dropped down next to us and started testing out keys in our locks. “Not this one,” he said after testing the key in both mine and Victoria’s locks. “Must have belonged to one of the other pairs.”

I looked absently over the top of the pool. The water had settled and I could see two dim shadows beneath the surface, where Nick and Cynthia were. My theory about the hoses being brought in through various windows and doorways had been wrong apparently, because the fire department had started pulling them back out of the arena through a compartment in the floor that seemed to have been installed specifically for Trials purposes.

“There we go,” the soldier said as my lock popped open.

I removed the boots from my feet, and immediately felt more capable of completing the next challenge. I was exhausted but I wasn’t tied down anymore, and I was desperate to finish Trials of Redemption.

Fuck this show and everything it stands for!

The soldier unlocked Victoria’s boots and I helped her take them off. We both lay back down and stared at the ceiling with our heads next to each other.

“Just one more,” Victoria said.

“One more,” I repeated.

“Are we going to make it?”

“If we stick together.”

Victoria took several deep breaths, still trying to recover from her strenuous fight for survival. “I think they only want one of us to survive.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Don’t think that way.”

She took a few more concentrated breaths. “What are you really going to do when you get out of here?”

“I told you, already. I’m going to relax and have a few beers.”


“Well, what are you going to do after you get something to eat?”

“I can’t tell you, because it’s illegal.”

“You’re going to hit the streets again,” I said, “and you’re going to keep selling heed and every other kind of drug you can get your hands on.”

Victoria grinned. “And you’re going to kill the leader of the Double-Ms,” she said.

Shut the fuck up! You’re going to ruin this for me!

I shook my head.

“Yes, you are. You’re going after the Maniacal Misfits, and you’re going to kill their boss. That’s why they put the guy’s son in the room with you. They want to remind you about what happened, every step of the way.”

“I don’t need any reminders,” I said. I sat up and started to work the kinks out of my knees, as well as the rest of my joints and muscles. “I took out a lot more of his people than he did of mine. I had my revenge, so why would I risk going back to prison after all of this? After all the death I’ve had to witness, and all the pain I’ve had to endure, why should I keep suffering?” I sighed and rubbed the muscles in my legs.

“Because they were your family,” Victoria said.

Your goddamn right, and Conner Flag is going to die a horrible death.

The numbers on the clock reached zero and the boss walked back into the room. He walked over to us and put his hands behind his back. “Are you ready?”


Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 22

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


“Keep moving,” one of the soldiers said.

We followed the boss through the doors and over to the edge of the pool. The boss climbed down a ladder and hopped down the last few feet to the bottom. There was only one other ladder, and it was at the opposite side of the pool. Just behind it, there was a dark blanket hanging from the wall, and I thought I could see light trying to shine through it.

The exit?

“Ten feet deep,” the boss said. “So don’t slip.”

I let go of Nick, and he fell to the ground like a rag doll, despite Victoria’s efforts to hold him. He groaned, and looked around the room with hollow eyes.

“Bryan, what are you doing?” Cynthia asked.

“Are you going to carry him down the ladder?” I asked. “Because I’m not.”

Cynthia dropped to her knees, next to Nick. “You need to wake up, honey.”

“Someone else needs to come down this ladder,” the boss said, “before I get upset.”

Victoria looked at me, and then walked over to the ladder. “Don’t take long,” she said before climbing down.

Cynthia was coddling Nick, almost like she was worried about hurting his feelings if she told him the truth. I pushed her out of the way and got in Nick’s face. “Get the fuck up, NOW!” I shouted.

“I can’t,” he said.

“Then you’re going to die.”

“I don’t want to.”

“If you don’t want to die you have to get the fuck up!”

“No, not that,” Nick said. “I don’t… I don’t want to stand up.”

Cynthia was staring at us, wringing her hands and gritting her teeth. “Do something, Bryan,” she said. “Help him.”

“What the hell can I do?” I asked, throwing my hands up. “He doesn’t care anymore. He’s going to die. We can’t keep pulling him along with us.”

“Are you two stupid?” one of the soldiers asked. His voice wasn’t angry. In a way, he seemed to be pleading with us to look after ourselves, instead of Nick, who was obviously a lost cause at this point. “Someone else needs to get down the ladder, or the boss is going to get pissed.”

Cynthia looked at me again, begging me with her eyes. Please, they seemed to say, do whatever you can to help him.

I took a deep breath and dragged Nick’s limp body to the edge of the pool. I sat down next to him, held on to his arms, and kicked the rest of his body until he was hanging over the ladder.

“Grab on or fall,” I said, forcing his hands around the cold, steel bars. “This is the last time I’m going to help you.”

I released Nick’s hands, expecting him to fall. Instead, his hands tightened around the bars, and he slowly made his way down to the bottom of the pool. At the bottom, he slipped and fell, but it wasn’t as bad as a fall from the top would have been.

He got back up, which was a good sign, but I had a feeling that his luck was about to run out.

“You can go next,” I said to Cynthia.

She climbed down, and I followed her. At the bottom, there were four pairs of metal shoes. At least, that’s what they seemed to be. They were bigger than shoes, and more closely resembled what I thought a pair of bulky robotic legs might look like. There were openings, probably where human legs could be inserted.”

Oh fuck, I hope not, I thought.

“Out of the way,” one of the soldiers said as he made his way down the ladder. He kicked at my head. I moved out of the way as him and three other soldiers climbed down the ladder and stood next to the metal shoes.

“These robotic boots are old prototypes, given to us by the military,” the boss said. “They’ve been slightly altered for our needs. Each boot weighs approximately thirty-five pounds, for a total combined weight of seventy pounds. We will strap you in, lock the boots into place, and you will have no way to remove them. The only way to get rid of them is to walk all the way to the other side of the pool,” he pointed, “and climb up that ladder.”

“What’s the catch?” I asked.

The boss smiled. “We’ve asked for some help from the local fire department to provide a large quantity of continuously flowing water. As you’re probably aware, the fire department is another socialist program funded by our government, just like the educational system that provided our current arena. Since Trials is owned by the government, we already have close ties with the fire chief and his crew.”

“I guess they were eager to pitch in,” Cynthia said.

The boss nodded. “And all they asked for in return was a couple grand each and to have their identities kept secret. We completely understood the need to conceal their identities, of course.” The boss rubbed his masked chin. “Could you imagine what life would be like for me and the soldiers if our identities were ever revealed?” He shivered and spoke into his phone. “We’re ready.”

Several people in yellow raincoats appeared near the sides of the pool, looking like bright pillars. They were carrying fire hoses. I wondered if the hoses were connected to the water reservoirs found in firetrucks, and if so, how many fire trucks were parked outside the building. By the number of hoses being pointed into the pool, most likely coming in through various windows, curling past doorways, and sliding down hallways, I would guess that there were plenty of firetrucks at the disposal of Trials of Redemption. Perhaps they had even opened up a fire hydrant for the occasion.

No better use for taxpayer money, I thought. Fuck the nearby houses that might catch on fire because this torture shit is much more important.

“Put the boots on them,” the boss said.

The soldiers approached us, and started putting the boots on our legs.

“Raise your leg,” the soldier assigned to me said.

I raised my leg, and stepped into the boot as he tilted it in my direction. It was uncomfortable, and I felt the heavy weight around my leg without even trying to walk around in it. When the boot was on, the soldier pulled a leather strap that tightened around my foot. He wrapped a chain around it and locked it into place with a padlock.

“Lift the other one,” he said, and we repeated the process with my other leg.

The soldier pulled the chains, testing the security of the locks. Satisfied with the results, he gave a thumbs-up to the boss. The boss nodded, and waited for the remaining soldiers to report the security of the other locks.

When all four soldiers had their thumbs up, the boss looked up to the firemen and said, “fill it up.” He looked at us and said, “I’ll see you on the other side, if you can make it.”

The firemen turned on their water and started to fill the swimming pool. The water pressure was strong, but the pool was big. It would take several minutes, at least, before the water became an issue.

The boss climbed up the ladder and the soldiers climbed up after him. When the soldiers reached the top, they pulled out their rifles and aimed them at the top of the ladder.

“I guess this side is off limits,” Victoria said. “We better get moving.”

I lifted my leg and felt the heavy weight of the boot. It was uncomfortable, but not impossible to lift. I was confident that I could reach the other side if I took my time. I continued to move, trying to remain focused, and trying not to let fear take over.

Fear would cause me to panic. Panic would cause me to die.

“Is everyone else okay?” I asked.

Nobody answered, but I heard at least one other person lifting their heavy boots from somewhere behind me. I stopped long enough to look over my shoulder. Victoria was close behind me, but Cynthia was still at the starting point, struggling to help Nick.

“Cynthia, leave him alone,” I yelled. “Get your ass in gear!”

“He’s not strong enough to lift the boots,” she yelled back.

“Fuck,” I muttered, mostly to myself. I kept walking.

The water was about a foot deep now, causing the heavy boots to create a splash every time they came down. I looked to the other end of the pool. It wouldn’t be that hard to reach the ladder as long as nothing went wrong.

I looked over my shoulder. Victoria was struggling to keep up. She was about ten feet behind me. If any of us failed to complete this challenge, we’d become human statues, stuck just below the surface of the water.

“Try to keep up,” I said.

“Yeah, no shit,” she replied.

Further back, Cynthia had made a little progress with Nick. He was moving slowly, and occasionally Cynthia had to help him by reaching down and lifting his boots with her arms. At the pace they were going, they’d never make it.

With the water standing at about two feet, moving forward was becoming more of a chore. Victoria had started copying Cynthia by using her arms to help lift her legs. Victoria had an obvious advantage over Cynthia though, because she was lifting her own legs, instead of Nick’s.

I tried using my arms to help lift my legs, just like they were doing. Even though I could still lift my legs using their own strength, I decided to walk with the help of my arms for a while. Later on, the water would be too high to bend over far enough to lift my legs with my arms, so if I wanted to conserve energy, now was the time.

“Copycat,” Victoria shouted at me.

“You should talk,” I said.



“I’m not going to be able to keep up.”

I stopped, and turned my body as much as I could so I could check on Victoria’s progress. She was falling farther behind. She was probably about fifteen feet behind me now.

Cynthia and Nick were about ten feet behind Victoria. I wouldn’t be able to communicate with either of them over the sound of the high-pressured water from the hoses beating down on us from overhead. If I put any more distance between me and Victoria, I wouldn’t be able to talk to her, either.

“Fuck,” I said beneath my breath, and then called out to Victoria, “just keep walking. I’ll come back for you.”

“Okay,” she said, pushing one of her legs forward.

I had to make a wide circle to turn around. I couldn’t just spin around like I could have if I’d been wearing sneakers. I would have fallen on my ass if I’d tried that while wearing the boots, possibly even twisting an ankle in the process.

I pushed my way back to Victoria, losing much of the ground I’d gained. I hooked her arm in mine, and used my small height advantage to give her some additional leverage while she walked.

“Thanks for coming back for me,” she said.

“I couldn’t just leave you here.”

“Why not? You were going to leave Nick.”

“Nick sabotaged himself.”

I heard a loud splash and turned to see Cynthia and Nick struggling to stand up in the water. It was almost four feet deep, and if they didn’t stand up soon they would drown. I didn’t have enough time to go back and save them, so that was out of the question.

Me and Victoria kept moving. We were too far away from the ladder and needed to make more progress.

Suddenly, Cynthia splashed through the surface of the water and gasped for breath. “He’s trying to pull me down!”

“What?” Victoria asked.

“He’s drowning. He wants me to save him, but I can’t.”

Nick’s hand reached out of the water and grabbed a fist full of Cynthia’s jumpsuit.

She screamed.

“Kill him,” I said.


“You have to kill him before he kills you.”

“I can’t.”

“Come on, Victoria,” I said, turning to leave, “we don’t have time for this.”

Victoria didn’t argue. We both pushed forward. Cynthia had made her choice, and now she had to live – or die – by the consequences.

“Help me!” Cynthia screamed.

“We can’t get to you,” Victoria said. “You’re going to have to do it.”


“Hold him under,” Victoria suggested. “Crush him with your boots!”

We kept moving, but I looked over my shoulder long enough to see Cynthia force her weight down on Nick’s thrashing body. She lifted one of her legs and brought it down on top of him. She screamed, grunted and stomped, and screamed again as the surface of the water briefly turned red before the fresh water from the hoses helped it dissipate.

Nick’s hands floated to the surface as Cynthia trudged on.

Cynthia was crying.

“You did what you had to do,” I yelled.

“Keep moving!” Victoria yelled.

“I’m trying,” Cynthia said. She was so far away that we barely heard her.

“She’s not going to make it,” I said.

“She can still do it,” Victoria said.

I refused to argue about it any longer. Either Cynthia performed a miracle, or she died, but we wouldn’t be able to help her. She had to do it on her own.

The water was all the way up to my chest, now. It was up to Victoria’s chin. Cynthia was a couple inches shorter than Victoria, so the water must have been up to her mouth, but I didn’t slow down to check.

The ladder was only about five feet away from me and Victoria’s reach. We continued to help each other. I lifted her as much as I could, pushing her forward while she lifted her heavy boots another couple of steps. Then she did the same for me.

Cynthia was all alone, without any help. Her gurgled screams were distant, but not so distant that we were spared their hellish implications.

“She’s panicking,” I said.

Victoria gurgled too, causing me to look at her in alarm. Her eyes were big, and the water was already up to her mouth. Soon, she wouldn’t be able to breathe.


“Listen,” I said, “we’ve only got a few more feet to go.”

Victoria nodded.

“Don’t panic, or I won’t be able to help you. If you stay calm I’ll do everything I can to keep us both alive. Breathe through your nose until you can’t anymore. Breathe deeply right before the water covers your nose, and then hold your breath and keep doing what we’ve been doing. We’re almost there. We’re almost – “

The water was above my mouth – above Victoria’s nose.

I pushed her forward one last time, and she leaned out as far as she could to grab onto the ladder.

She missed, and fell forward to the bottom of the pool.


I reached for my boots, and used them as an anchor to pull myself deeper into the water. I grabbed Victoria’s jumpsuit, and pulled it roughly, tearing it at the back. I tried again, this time gathering more material in my hands for extra support.

Victoria’s boots straightened, making it possible for her to stand up again. She grabbed the ladder and started to climb while I did everything in my power to boost her to the top.

While I was submerged in the water – now well over my head – I looked back and saw Cynthia’s limp body with her arms floating by her sides. She had died while crying, and her face had stuck in that final expression of horror.

Nick was too far back for me to notice any details. He was just a dark blur in the distance.

When Victoria’s boots cleared the first few rungs of the ladder, I grabbed on and pulled my body up using only my arms. My legs were too tired to be of any use. I reached the surface of the water and gasped for air. It filled my lungs until I thought they might explode.

My boots slipped at the exact moment when I exhaled. I hit my face on the ladder and fell back into the water.

I landed flat against the bottom of the pool. When I tried to get up, I couldn’t. The boots were too cumbersome and heavy.

I was out of oxygen.

I was going to die.

I was fucked.


Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 21

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


Nick burped, and blew his smelly death-breath in my face. It wasn’t on purpose, but I hated him for it. I didn’t care that he was a drug addict, and I didn’t give a shit about what kind of life he’d had that led up to his addiction. He’d given into the drugs at the most inconvenient time possible, and it had resulted in me being forced to watch him eat a large portion of a man’s head.

“I’m stuffed,” he said.

“Go the Hell,” I replied.

Nick stared at me, but his eyes seemed empty and distant. “You’ve changed,” he said.

“Maybe someone will eat your head in the next part of this fucked up show.”

“That’s enough for now,” the boss said. “We’ll leave the food in here, just in case any of you change your minds about trying some of it, but I have to get a few minutes to myself for a coffee break.”

“You’re going to leave us in here?” Victoria asked.

“Where else would I leave you? We’re not done yet, but I need some caffeine.”

The soldiers walked out of the cafeteria and the boss pulled the keys from his pocket. He locked the door, waved at us, and strolled down the hallway. He didn’t look at us as he walked past the windows on his way up the hall. It felt intentional, like he wanted us to know we weren’t important to him… or to anyone.

I managed to stand up, being careful not to trip in the mixture of vomit still on the floor, and walked over to Cynthia and Victoria. Nick stayed sitting at the booth, rubbing his belly and burping.

“I can’t believe that he ate Clayton!” Cynthia said. “How high do you have to be to do something like that?”

“It’s a fucked up drug,” Victoria said.

“He’s going to hate himself when he sobers up.”

“He’s not going to sober up,” I said. “He smoked enough to keep him high for the duration of the show, and I think we all know that he’s not going to make it to the very end.”

Victoria looked up, and I followed her gaze. She was looking at the timer.

“Only a little over three hours left,” I said.

Cynthia grinned. I couldn’t remember the last time any of us had shown a genuine sign of happiness. (I wasn’t including Nick as part of our group any more, so his satisfaction while eating Clayton didn’t count.)

“That’s counting down to the final challenge,” Victoria reminded us, “but it still feels good to know that this is almost over.”

I smiled. “What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get out of here?”

“I’d have to get something to eat,” Victoria said, quickly adding, “vegetables! Shit, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to eat meat again.”

“You both probably already know what I’m going to do,” Cynthia said.

Victoria smiled. “You’re going to go get your girls.”

“Not just that,” Cynthia said, “but I’m going to try to start over with them, and make them realize I’ll never let anyone else hurt them for as long as I live. I’m going to promise to be a stronger person for them. Competing in Trials has already forced me be a stronger person, so I know I’ll be able to keep that promise.”

They both looked at me, expectantly.

I’m going to let the media attention die down first, I thought. After that, I’m going to connect with some former friends in the police department to find Conner Flag and do horrible things to him. I’ll kill as many members of the Maniacal Misfits as I have to, but I will get to Conner Flag. Maybe I’ll skin him alive. Yeah, that would be satisfying.

“I’ll probably just sit back and drink a few beers,” I said, finally. “I wasn’t legally old enough to drink before I went to prison, and I’m curious to find out what booze tastes like.”

“God, I keep forgetting how young you are,” Cynthia said, studying my face.

“Stick to the fruity drinks,” Victoria said. “The rest of it tastes like shit.”

“Aren’t fruity drinks for girls?” I asked, smirking.

Cynthia punched my shoulder, obviously forgetting that electricity had surged through my body and burnt large sections of my skin.

I winced.

“Oh, sorry!” Cynthia said, rubbing the affected area. “I should have remembered.”

“Not a fan of fruity drinks?” I asked.

“You were being sexist.” Cynthia tried to keep a strait face, but couldn’t. She burst out laughing, causing me and Victoria to do the same.

“Damn, give me a break,” I said.

“Speaking of breaks,” Victoria said, motioning to the outside hallway, “here comes Mr. Coffee, back from his coffee break.”

The boss was taking sips from a Styrofoam cup, and taking his time as he strolled toward the cafeteria doors. 

“Just don’t call him that to his face,” Cynthia reminded her.

“I don’t have to. He can watch it on the replay.”

“You better hope he doesn’t. You’ve been pushing your luck with him.”

The boss opened the door, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee mixed with the smells of blood and vomit. “Are you ladies and gentlemen ready for the next to last challenge?”

I glimpsed over to where Nick was sitting. He’d decided to lay his head down to rest, inches from the devoured remains of Clayton’s face.

“We’re ready,” I said. “Ready to get out of this room, anyway.”

“You’ve spent very little time in this room. Not that it matters, but I can give all of you a little more time to relax. I personally believe that every minute of a person’s life matters, so there’s no point in rushing things. After all, we should have some time to spare before the final challenge.”

Victoria stood. “No,” she said, “I don’t want to spend any more of my life in this disgusting room. It stinks in here.”

The boss looked at Cynthia. “Do you agree?”

Cynthia nodded.

“The ayes have it, then. Will one of you please wake Nick up while I call the guys off break?”

All three of us walked over to Nick while the boss pulled out his phone. Victoria shook Nick’s arm. When he didn’t wake up, she slapped the top of his head.

“Huh?” he said, looking around. “What is it?”

“You’re going to die if you can’t shake off your high long enough to move,” I said, bluntly.


“We’re getting ready to do another challenge. If you’re not up to it, they’re going to kill you.”

“Oh. Someone help me up.”

Me and Victoria pulled Nick up by his arms. I held onto him until his legs felt steady enough to support his weight.

He looked at me and whispered, “I’m sorry I took the drugs.”

“Me too,” I said.

He looked at Victoria, and then at Cynthia. “I’m happy to know that I’m going to die with friends, even though I’m going to die as a drug addict.”

Cynthia stiffened her lips. “There’s still nothing that says we can’t help you stay alive.”

I cocked my head at her, discouraging her from giving Nick false hope.

“No, Bryan,” she said, “if I can help him, I will.”

“Fair enough,” I said. “I will too, but not if it means putting my own life on the line. Or either of yours for that matter.” I stared at Nick, trying not to get angry. “He knows that he made the wrong choice, but it was his choice to make. None of us should have to die because of it.”

Nick nodded his head, and his bottom lip began to quiver. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly. “Bryan’s right. You deserve to live.”

A small group of soldiers marched down the hallway and stood at the cafeteria doors.

“It’s time,” the boss said.

Cynthia grabbed Nick’s shoulders. “You deserve to live, too.”

Nick looked at Clayton’s half-eaten face with vague recognition. “No,” he said, “not anymore.”

“Outside!” the boss shouted. “Now!”

I grabbed one of Nick’s arms, and Cynthia grabbed the other. We carried him outside with almost no help at all from him at all, a reminder of how unlikely it would be for us to save him.

The soldiers circled us.

“This way,” the boss said, pointing down the hallway we’d already been down. “Our destination is just a little further than we’ve already been. “

I barely heard the boss’s words as I tried to keep Nick on his feet and at a full pace. He was starting to give up, making us to do all of the work for him.

“Walk, goddammit.” I said.

“I’m trying,” he said. His head was bobbing back and forth.

“Don’t you fucking pass out. If you pass out, I’m done pulling your ass around.”

“Is there a problem, Bryan?” the boss asked.

“No problem,” I said.

Cynthia grunted, and stared over at me. “I can’t hold him, anymore.”

I looked over my shoulder at Victoria, and she took over for Cynthia by sliding under Nick’s arm.

“I’m sorry,” Cynthia said to all of us.

“You were never supposed to carry him,” I reminded her. “None of us were.”

“That’s right,” the boss smirked. “Why not just let him fall? I’m sure the soldiers will take care of him.”

“Don’t drop him, Bryan,” Cynthia pleaded. “Please.”

I thought about how much easier this walk would be if I didn’t have to carry another human being. I’d been electrocuted, had the shit kicked out of me twice in the past two days, and I’d barely eaten anything at all. What I had eaten, I’d thrown up after watching Nick eat the head of one of our dead teammates.

Why the fuck should I keep helping this person? I thought.

“Don’t,” Victoria said.

“He’s dragging us down,” I said.

“Don’t,” she repeated.

“Keep up,” the boss said, walking at full pace toward the end of the hallway.

We passed a door with Charles’s name on it, but the name had been market out with a big red “X.” I wondered what was inside, and if Charles would have been able to do what was asked of him if we’d let him live long enough to hear his personalized challenge.

I thought I saw another hallway branching off near the end of the one we were already on. I hadn’t noticed it before. I lowered my stance, putting more of Nick’s weight onto my back. As we got closer, I saw that it wasn’t a hallway; it was a doorway. Through the glass in the door I saw the large diving pool that was inside.

It looked empty.

“Are we going for a swim?” I asked.

“Hardly,” the boss said as he walked through the doors. “Just going for a walk.”

I looked at Nick’s face, only a few inches away from my own. His eyes were shut, and he was snoring.


Trials of Redemption (Squid Game + Saw – Full Horror Book – Rough Draft): Chapter 20

[WARNING: This book contains extremely violent content, adult language, and scenes that might make some people uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion.]

[I wrote this several years ago as a ghostwriter for a project that never came to fruition. This unpublished horror novel is still a rough draft, and I welcome all feedback. I realize there are some similarities between this story and the plot of Squid Game, but all work here is original. If you enjoy this book, please follow the blog to read more chapters (all of which will be published throughout today). This work is completely free to read, and this is the first time it’s been made available to the public. If you would like to support me, please like and share my work, and send feedback. You can message me here or on Twitter @JDtheWriter1.]


We followed the boss into the hallway, and walked back to the cafeteria. The boss unlocked the doors and waved us inside. “Have a seat,” he said.

I walked in and sat down in one of the booths. There was a timer above the other side of the door. We had less than five hours left.

Not much longer.

Victoria sat down next to me. Cynthia and Nick sat on the opposite side. The boss led a couple of the soldiers back to the kitchen but left the majority of them in the cafeteria to keep watch over our group.

Nick was across from Victoria, on the outside edge of the booth. He was just barely hanging on to consciousness, but it would still be a long time before the effects of the heed wore off. He was smiling with his eyes half-open, breathing comfortably and seeming content, even after all that we’d just been through.

“I hope the fucking drugs were worth it,” I said.

“He’s doing fine, so far,” Cynthia said.

“Are you kidding me? He’s barely able to walk straight. The next time he has to actually do something that requires the slightest bit of mental effort he’s screwed.”

Cynthia looked at Nick and frowned. “Yeah. I know you’re right.”

The boss walked out of the kitchen, smiling broadly. “The meal looks much better than I’d expected.”

“Something smells good,” Nick said.

It was true. We had been expecting something gross, but the air was filled with the sweet aroma of cooked meat. Of course, smells could be deceiving. Bull testicles are meat. So is a pig’s ass.

Actually, a pig’s ass wouldn’t have been so bad. I was pretty sure that bacon was made from a pig’s ass. The more I thought about it, eating any kind of meat at all would be gross if our ancestors hadn’t started doing it out of necessity millions of years ago. Meat is flesh. Who the hell would recommend eating flesh if it hadn’t already been a societal norm.

“Fuck it,” I said. “If it’s edible, I’m going to eat it,”.

“Same here,” Cynthia said.

Victoria leaned forward on her elbows, looking toward the kitchen. “What do you think it is?”

“I don’t know,” Nick said, “but I wish they’d hurry up. It smells delicious.”

Two of the soldiers pushed out a food cart with a covered tray on top of it. They moved the food tray to our table and backed away.

The boss walked up to our booth and put his hand on the tray’s lid. “Nothing beats a good roast. Am I right?”

He removed the lid and Victoria turned her head to blow chunks all over the floor. My stomach lurched as well, but I was able to close my eyes and block the image of Clayton’s roasted head long enough to prevent puking up the spider legs from the previous day’s meal.

What is that?” Cynthia asked. “Oh god, what is that?

Clayton’s face was turned away from Cynthia and Nick, so they hadn’t received the full shock of the reveal like me and Victoria had.

“Don’t look,” I managed to say.

Cynthia screamed. “Oh my god, get me out of here!

Cynthia pushed Nick until he fell to the ground, smacking his forehead against the floor. She tripped over him and slipped in Victoria’s vomit. She pushed her way across the floor, kicking her way to the back wall. She was staring at the decapitated head like it might start chasing her at any moment.

Nick climbed back into the booth. His forehead was bleeding, and his cheek was beginning to bruise. His eyes seemed to be going off in opposite directions, and I couldn’t tell if that was a symptom of the drugs or if he’d sustained some kind of brain damage when his head had bounced off the floor.

“I need a fork,” he said.

My eyes grew wide as I stared at Nick in shock. “No, you fucking do not,” I said.

Victoria wretched again, but nothing came up except for a little bit of water. Her stomach was empty. She spit, and tried to catch her breath. “Fork for what, asshole?”

“I’m going to eat this roast,” Nick said.

I reached across the table, coming uncomfortably close to the food tray, and grabbed the collar of Nick’s jumpsuit. “We’re not going to let you eat Clayton’s head.”

“Bryan, let go of Nick’s jumpsuit, please,” the boss said.

“Fuck off, asshole!”

“Meal time is a safe time. The soldiers and I won’t tolerate your efforts to deprive Nick of his meal. It’s his choice to eat the food, the same as it’s your choice to take a pass.”

“This isn’t food, it’s a human being’s head!”

The boss scoffed. “You barely knew this thing.”

Thing?” Victoria asked, and heaved again.

“Just eat some of the lettuce,” the boss said, grabbing the garnish and holding it near my mouth.

I turned my head and had to fight back another urge to vomit.

“Have it your way,” the boss said, “but if you interfere with Nick’s meal, we’ll kill you. It won’t be a quick bullet to the brain, either. It will make the rest of this shit look like child’s play.”

I looked at Victoria. “Go,” I said.

“She can go,” the boss said, “but you’re going to sit here and make sure Nick enjoys his meal. It’s a punishment for your insubordinate attitude.”

“No, please don’t make me.” My voice shook. “Please, no.”

“Yes,” the boss said. “Now, someone get this man a fork.”

Victoria looked at me with pained eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said, “but I can’t go through this with you. I just can’t”

I struggled to speak, and finally settled for a quick nod in Victoria’s direction to let her know that I understood her decision. She stood, almost slipped in her puke, and shuffled away to sit with Cynthia against the far wall.

A soldier handed a fork to Nick, and stepped back a few feet to watch. Nick licked his lips and plunged the fork into the side of Clayton’s head. The meat pealed off easily, leaving a big gap in Clayton’s cheek that revealed a few of his teeth.

My stomach continued churning.

Nick brought the fork closer to his mouth and breathed deeply. “I’m not sure where they found this,” he said, “but I’m going to find some more when we get out of here.”

“You’re never getting out of here, Nick,” I said. “You’re going to die in here. You’re going to die as a junkie, and as a cannibal.” I laughed nervously as tears fell from my eyes. “You’re fucked, and we’re all fucked. You, me, all these assholes working for Trials, and everyone watching us. We’re all fucked so hard that we can’t even begin to understand.”

Nick’s eyes tried to focus on me. “Bryan?” he asked, amazed that he recognized me. “You use to be a cool guy, but you need to lighten up a little bit or else you’re going to turn into an asshole.”

Nick put the fork into his mouth, pulled off the meat, and started to chew.

I jumped to the side of the booth, startling one of the soldiers into action. He pointed his rifle at my head and shouted, “Sit down!” I held up a hand to let him know I wasn’t going to try anything foolish. I heaved, and added my own vomit to Victoria’s pile. I heaved again, got choked on a furry, half-chewed spider leg, and coughed until I could spit it to the floor.

As I pulled myself back up to watch Nick fill his belly with Clayton’s roasted corpse head, one thought continued to repeat itself in my mind over and over again, leaving no room for anything else:

So very fucked.